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CRUD - Update - C++ SDK

On this page

  • Update an Object
  • Update an Embedded Object Property
  • Overwrite an Embedded Object Property
  • Update an Inverse Relationship
  • Update a Map Property
  • Update a Set Property

Updates to Realm Objects must occur within write transactions. For more information about write trasactions, see: Write Transactions.

You can modify properties of a Realm object inside of a write transaction.

// Query for the object you want to update
auto dogs = realm.objects<realm::Dog>();
auto dogsNamedMaui =
dogs.where([](auto &dog) { return == "Maui"; });
CHECK(dogsNamedMaui.size() >= 1);
// Access an object in the results set.
auto maui = dogsNamedMaui[0];
std::cout << "Dog " << << " is " << maui.age.detach()
<< " years old\n";
// Assign a new value to a member of the object in a write transaction
int64_t newAge = 2;
realm.write([&] { maui.age = newAge; });


This example uses the following model:

struct Dog {
std::string name;
int64_t age;
REALM_SCHEMA(Dog, name, age)

To update a property in an embedded object, modify the property in a write transaction.

auto managedBusinesses = realm.objects<realm::Business>();
auto businessesNamedMongoDB = managedBusinesses.where(
[](auto &business) { return == "MongoDB"; });
CHECK(businessesNamedMongoDB.size() >= 1);
auto mongoDB = businessesNamedMongoDB[0];
[&] { mongoDB.contactDetails->emailAddress = ""; });
std::cout << "New email address: "
<< mongoDB.contactDetails->emailAddress.detach() << "\n";


This example uses the following model:

namespace realm {
struct ContactDetails {
// Because ContactDetails is an embedded object, it cannot have its own _id
// It does not have a lifecycle outside of the top-level object
std::string emailAddress;
std::string phoneNumber;
REALM_EMBEDDED_SCHEMA(ContactDetails, emailAddress, phoneNumber)
struct Business {
realm::object_id _id;
std::string name;
ContactDetails *contactDetails;
REALM_SCHEMA(Business, _id, name, contactDetails)
} // namespace realm

To overwrite an embedded object, reassign the embedded object property to the raw pointer of a new instance in a write transaction.

auto businesses = realm.objects<realm::Business>();
auto mongoDBBusinesses = businesses.where(
[](auto &business) { return == "MongoDB"; });
auto theMongoDB = mongoDBBusinesses[0];
realm.write([&] {
auto newContactDetails = realm::ContactDetails{
.emailAddress = "", .phoneNumber = "234-567-8901"};
// Overwrite the embedded object
theMongoDB.contactDetails = &newContactDetails;


This example uses the following model:

auto managedBusinesses = realm.objects<realm::Business>();
auto businessesNamedMongoDB = managedBusinesses.where(
[](auto &business) { return == "MongoDB"; });
CHECK(businessesNamedMongoDB.size() >= 1);
auto mongoDB = businessesNamedMongoDB[0];
[&] { mongoDB.contactDetails->emailAddress = ""; });
std::cout << "New email address: "
<< mongoDB.contactDetails->emailAddress.detach() << "\n";

You can't update an inverse relationship property directly. Instead, an inverse relationship automatically updates by changing assignment through its relevant related object.

In this example, a Person object has a to-one relationship to a Dog object, and Dog has an inverse relationship to Person. The inverse relationship automatically updates when the Person object updates its Dog relationship.

auto config = realm::db_config();
auto realm = realm::db(std::move(config));
auto dog = realm::Dog{.name = "Wishbone"};
auto [joe] = realm.write([&realm]() {
auto person =
realm::Person{.name = "Joe", .age = 27, .dog = nullptr};
return realm.insert(std::move(person));
realm.write([&dog, joe = &joe]() { joe->dog = &dog; });
// After assigning `&dog` to jack's `dog` property,
// the backlink automatically updates to reflect
// the inverse relationship through the dog's `owners`
// property.
CHECK(>owners.size() == 1);


This example uses the following model:

struct Dog;
struct Person {
realm::primary_key<int64_t> _id;
std::string name;
int64_t age = 0;
Dog* dog;
REALM_SCHEMA(Person, _id, name, age, dog)
struct Dog {
realm::primary_key<int64_t> _id;
std::string name;
int64_t age = 0;
linking_objects<&Person::dog> owners;
REALM_SCHEMA(Dog, _id, name, age, owners)

You can update a realm map property as you would a standard C++ map:

// You can check that a key exists using `find`
auto findTuesday = tommy.locationByDay.find("Tuesday");
if (findTuesday != tommy.locationByDay.end())
realm.write([&] {
tommy.locationByDay["Tuesday"] =


This example uses the following model:

namespace realm {
struct Employee {
enum class WorkLocation { HOME, OFFICE };
int64_t _id;
std::string firstName;
std::string lastName;
std::map<std::string, WorkLocation> locationByDay;
REALM_SCHEMA(Employee, _id, firstName, lastName, locationByDay)
} // namespace realm

You can update a set property in a write transaction. You can .insert() elements into the set, erase() elements from a set, or use std::set algorithms to mutate sets:

// Add elements to the set in a write transaction
realm.write([&] { managedDocsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.insert(3066); });
CHECK(managedDocsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.size() == 4);
// Use std::set algorithms to update a set
// In this example, use std::set_union to add elements to the set
// 3064 already exists, so it won't be added, but 3065 and 3067 are
// unique values and will be added to the set.
auto newOpenPullRequests = std::set<int64_t>({3064, 3065, 3067});
realm.write([&] {
docsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.end(), newOpenPullRequests.begin(),
CHECK(managedDocsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.size() == 6);
// Erase elements from a set
auto it3065 = managedDocsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.find(3065);
CHECK(it3065 != managedDocsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.end());
realm.write([&] { managedDocsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.erase(it3065); });


This example uses the following model:

namespace realm {
struct Repository {
std::string ownerAndName;
std::set<int64_t> openPullRequestNumbers;
REALM_SCHEMA(Repository, ownerAndName, openPullRequestNumbers)
} // namespace realm